Friday, August 8, 2008

Quote of the Day - Aug. 8

"Every day should end with a parade."
~ Lady on the Travel Channel (talking about the Spectromagic parade at Disney World)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Overheard Conversation

Young girl: Yee-doggie!

Older woman to little girl's mother: Does she watch Beverly Hillbillies?

Little girl's mother: No.

Older woman: Where did she hear that from then?

Mother to little girl: Where have you heard that?

Little girl: Hannah Montana.

I smiled.

"There's never anything to do around here."

Maybe you've never said those words, but I have. Even though I grew up in Greenville, one of the largest cities in South Carolina, I complained many times about how there was nothing to do.

Ironically, it wasn't until I started living in a smaller town and intentionally getting involved in the Rock Hill community that my mindset began to change. I started to see that if I just did a little research (really, just checking the town's website for starters) I could find a plethora of things to do.

This blog is an appreciation of all things Rock Hill, at least for now, because that's where I live for now. I want people who live in Rock Hill to see that there are things to do. I also want to encourage people who aren't living in Rock Hill to get involved with their communities, wherever they are.