Thursday, October 14, 2010

Was I jumping to conclusions?

I posted last night about the people who came onto Winthrop's campus yesterday to preach. My initial reaction was of disgust and dismay that once again there are people out there giving Christians a bad name.
But I watched a video from that the school paper posted on youtube and I've got to say that it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Then I started thinking about the people who were telling me what happened yesterday and that I'm not sure that either of them are believers. And if they aren't believers than how can they be reliable sources for retelling something that may have involved the Gospel.
At the same time, that video was only two minutes out of the something like five hours that they were on campus.

So, tell me, if you saw or heard anything yesterday what was it? Is it as bad as what I was told or were they just warning people of the consequences of sin?

1 comment:

T.J. said...

They started off with a message that I didn't really have a problem with, essentially saying that they were concerned about the lives of sin that many college students were living, that no one could save themselves, and that they could only come to salvation to the grace of God.

I think that because of the format in which they were saying it all, and because they did make some disagreeable statements like "no Catholics are Christians," the crowd reacted to them with hate, and then they reacted correspondingly and it eventually evolved into them saying "everyone of you are going to hell."

So, they started out okay, but not great, and then evolved into the typical hate-spewing street preachers.